“The biggest barrier [to stroke treatment] is that the patients do not come [to the hospital] early enough.”
- NYU Langone Neurologist
“I want some way to know if the patient [is having] an actual stroke or not”
- Northwell Health Neurologist

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Personalized Health Profile
Early Detection
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Improved Outcomes
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Increased Efficiency
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white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytimewhite concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime
white concrete building under white sky during daytime

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